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Medical center «Medicea»
Medical center «Medicea»
Ozone therapy
Minsk, F. skariny str., 12, 202
Mon: 14:00 - 21:00
Tue: 14:00 - 21:00
Wed: 14:00 - 21:00
Thu: 14:00 - 21:00
Fri: 14:00 - 21:00
Sat: 10:00 - 15:00
+375 17 664-67-77

Medical center «Medicea»

General information about the medical center "Medicea"

Medicea is a private medical center for solving all kinds of health problems with modern methods. The medical institution is located in an ecologically friendly area of Minsk, which contributes to the rapid recovery of the patients who have applied.

Each specialist of the center has high professional training, and also combines the use of centuries of experience and modern technologies.

The clinic uses the following treatment methods:

• Acupuncture is a medical technique that is based on the location of special points on the body that are associated with various internal organs.

• Hirudotherapy is a treatment with medicinal leeches.

• Ozone therapy has antibacterial and antiviral properties, saturates body tissues with oxygen, increases the activity of the antioxidant defense system. Ozone therapy is an unsurpassed remedy against chronic fatigue syndrome.

The center has a number of advantages over other clinics:

• An integrated approach to treatment;

• Use of non-drug treatment methods;

• Individual approach to everyone;

• Tracking the effectiveness of the procedures;

• Pre-registration for treatment.

Services in the medical center "Medicea"

The medical center provides the following services:

• Apitherapy;

• Hirudotherapy;

• Acupuncture;

• Ozone therapy;

• Reception of doctors

• Procedures

• Cosmetology services, etc.

You can find detailed information on the services and price list on the official website of the medical institution.

Make an appointment to the medical center "Medicea"

Make an appointment by calling +375 29 664-67-77.

Call now and specialist doctors will soon select a treatment plan for you and take care of your health.