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Vaccinations in medical centers and clinics

Vaccinations in medical centers and clinics

To get vaccination in time means to provide yourself (and not only) a healthy future. Vaccination of adults and children is the most important part of modern life, people are given the chance to take care of their health in the long run, so do not miss it. Where is it better to get vaccinated in Minsk and how much does it cost?

What is vaccination?

Vaccination is a reliable method that prevents the development of a number of infections, because vaccines protect against many diseases. Any vaccine is an immunobiological means containing specially processed pathological pathogens. In order to create vaccines, microorganisms are cleaned of harmful compounds, leaving only what is needed to develop immunity.

Note! In order to make the vaccine safe for health, the provocateur of infectious diseases is weakened to a state in which he is not able to harm, but is still able to develop an immune response.

All vaccines are divided into 4 subgroups:

  1. live, containing a weak but living pathogen - tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, rubella, measles;
  2. inactivated, containing either parts of the cell walls of the pathogen (against meningococcus, pertussis), or killed microorganisms (hepatitis A, rabies);
  3. toxoids, including an inactive toxin synthesized by pathogens (tetanus, diphtheria);
  4. biosynthetic, which are created artificially (hepatitis B).

In order to protect a person from a certain disease, it is required to find the most optimal vaccination.

You need to understand that strict requirements are imposed on the manufacture of vaccines: medicines must be effective, safe and harmless. That is why the medicinal fluid undergoes multiple clinical and laboratory monitoring. The vaccine is checked thoroughly and thoroughly upon registration in a potential country of use.

How is vaccination carried out?

At the vaccination centers, you can get any vaccination, but hardly any healthcare provider will vaccinate without a need and examining your vaccination status. Medicines that stimulate immune activity are vaccinated in various ways:

  • intramuscularly;
  • subcutaneously;
  • cutaneous;
  • in the oral cavity;
  • on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

The type of vaccination depends on the type of medicine.


If you do not know what vaccination you need and whether it is possible to be vaccinated after an illness, contact your local therapist or pediatrician. These doctors can give a written permission for vaccination and decide how soon can you get vaccinated after an illness. The doctor must exclude the presence of symptoms of acute pathologis, so as to avoid vaccination during the illness. For these reasons, the doctor carries out the following manipulations:

  • examines the patient;
  • measures body temperature, pulse and respiratory rate;
  • interviews a person about complaints.

The therapist should also take into account the previous medical history information: the presence of diseases, the body's reaction to vaccines, the presence of allergies to medicines and food. And only the doctor can decide when to be vaccinated after an illness.

Note! Vaccinations according to epidemic indications can be given during the illness, but only if it is mild. The therapist must agree to such a vaccination.

The contraindications to vaccination:

  • temporary - connected with the acute disease and fever;
  • long-term - due to exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • permanent - as specified in the vaccine instructions.

If you do not know when to get vaccine after an illness, check with your therapist. Usually, the vaccine can be made after the disappearance of acute signs of a disease and the achievement of complete remission. The presence of even one painful symptom is the reason to postpone vaccination after an illness.

Adult vaccination

Many people believe that vaccination is only for children - this is not so, adults also need vaccinations. To maintain protection against infections, you can get the vaccine for free at the clinic which services you home adress. These vaccines include medicines against the following infections:

  • hepatitis B;
  • measles;
  • tetanus and diphtheria;
  • flu;
  • rubella.

Note! Vaccinations against some pathologies form a lifelong immunity, while revaccination is required to maintain the others.

The need to vaccinate an adult increases during the epidemiological period, as well as if a person works in an area of increased risk of contact with an infectious agent.

Children vaccination

Children vaccination is a difficult topic for many parents, they don’t know what diseases they vaccinate to children and what vaccines they give to children after illness, and some even manage to buy a certificate that they get a vaccine. All this is due to the fact that the media publish materials that raise doubts about the safety of vaccines. Parents have unreasonable fears, and they doubt whether it is worth vaccinating the child.

It is important! Any vaccine, being an extraneous agent to the body, can provoke side effect. But these reactions are detected hundreds of times less often than complications from infections, against which the child is vaccinated.

Children get a vaccine for the first time in the maternity hospital (against tuberculosis and hepatitis B). The body of new-born children responds to vaccinations with rapidly passing reactions and develops a specific immunity to these infections. Then children get vaccines in accordance with the schedule of routine vaccinations.

It should be said more about Mantoux. Mantoux vaccination is given to all children until they reach the age of 18. This tuberculin test forms an immunity against tuberculosis. Mantoux vaccination is also done after an illness and consultation with a doctor.

One of the rarest pathologies is SMA - a genetic disease connected with mutations in genes. The condition is accompanied by muscle atrophy, problems with coordination of movements, breathing difficulties. There is no vaccination against SMA, as it is hereditary.

When is it better to get a vaccine after a child’s illness? According to Dr. Komarovsky, it is not necessary to wait a month after the illness in order to be vaccinated. If there is no temperature and other painful signs, and the child is active, then a child can be vaccinated already a week after the illness. Exacerbation of chronic pathologies and other individual contraindications are the reasons for postponing vaccinating children after illness.

How to prepare a child for vaccination?

Pediatricians claim that before vaccination the child does not require any specific preparation - a medical examination is enough. It is also recommended not to eat an hour before the procedure. If a child will be vaccinated after an illness, be sure to inform your doctor.

Against what diseases can you get a vaccine?

Against what diseases can you get a vaccine? The list includes most diseases of infectious etiology.

Vaccines against infectious diseases

There are vaccines against a number of infectious diseases:

  • poliomyelitis;
  • rubella;
  • measles;
  • chicken pox;
  • diphtheria;
  • pertussis;
  • tetanus;
  • hepatitis B;
  • tuberculosis;
  • parotitis;
  • rabies;
  • flu;
  • encephalitis;
  • yellow fever.

These infections occur in hard form, often cause complications and often lead to death. In addition, a person becomes a carrier of the infection, spreading it everywhere.

Get a vaccine

Rabies vaccine

To get a vaccine against rabies means to protect yourself from a virus that affects the nervous system, which in 100% of cases leads to death. A person becomes infected after a contact with an infected mammal. To vaccinate against rabies, doctors confirm the diagnosis by taking tests.

Dogs and cats are also vaccinated against rabies; they are often carriers of infection. But the diseases of dogs and cats are not limited to rabies, and it can be difficult for a veterinarian to find the right vaccine. For this purpose, a comprehensive vaccination for dogs has been developed. What diseases does it protect against? You can vaccinate a dog (or a kitten), and it will become a reliable tool to prevent such dangerous diseases as plague, hepatitis, lichen, borreliosis and other dangerous pathologies.

Chickenpox vaccine

Many people perceive chickenpox as a harmless disease, which is better to get sick. But sometimes it causes complications:

  • damage to the nervous system (encephalitis);
  • purulent formations and abscesses on the skin, which sometimes require surgical intervention;
  • herpes.

Therefore, doctors recommend vaccination against chickenpox. And you can find out where to get the chickenpox vaccine in the clinic at your place of residence.

Hepatitis vaccine

It is very important to get the hepatitis vaccine on time, because this is a dangerous pathology that gradually destroys the liver. Hepatitis B is an incurable disease, as there are currently no medications that guarantee the elimination of this dysfunction. A hepatitis vaccine is given three times and according the plan, vaccines are administered before the child reaches 1 year of age. A hepatitis vaccine can be given after an illness, but only after a doctor’s permission.

Flu vaccine

You can get a flu vaccine for free and at a specific time. This vaccination is especially important for people over 60. Flu is a hard disease and causes a lot of complications in the elderly.

Diphtheria vaccine

Diphtheria - what kind of disease is it and do they vaccinate against it? Diphtheria is one of the most dangerous infectious pathologies that can lead to death in a few hours. The causative agent of the disease is bacteria that spread through the air when talking, coughing and sneezing. They instantly affect the heart muscle and central nervous system. Therefore, it is very important to get a diphtheria vaccine on time. If your child is more than 6 years old, and he still has not been vaccinated against diphtheria, then he needs to get an ADSM vaccine - it is given twice with an interval of 1 month.

Yellow fever vaccine

Yellow fever is a deadly disease that affects important organs and provokes bleeding, changing the colour of the protein in the eyes and skin and making them yellow. People become infected by mosquito bites, as well as by contact with infected people. You should definitely get a yellow fever vaccine if you are planning to visit South America and Africa.

Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine

Encephalitis vaccination should be carried out no later than 2 weeks before visiting the unfavourable places in which ticks live. You can get vaccinated for a fee. Where to get an encephalitis vaccine? You can be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis in a clinic or medical center that provides such services. Encephalitis vaccination should be done twice with an interval of 1-7 months, revaccination is recommended after a year.

Ticks - carriers of many diseases, Lyme disease or tick-borne borreliosis - one of the most dangerous. Therefore, vaccination against Lyme disease is necessary for everyone. The vaccine causes the immune system to attack pathogens that enter the bloodstream when a tick bites, and does not allow them to enter the body.

Measles vaccine

Measles - what kind of disease is it and when is it better to get vaccinated? Measles is a viral disease that affects the lungs, bone marrow, tonsils and liver. In order to prevent the development of the pathology itself and its complications, it is necessary to get a measles vaccine. Measles vaccine can be done after an illness, but only by agreement with a doctor. Measles vaccination can be both planned (1 year, 6 years), and emergency. Where to get a measles vaccine? Adults can get a measles vaccine at their clinic.


To get a poliomyelitis vaccine means to protect yourself from pathologies of the nervous system and cerebrospinal paralysis. In Belarus they are vaccinated with DTP - what diseases does the vaccine protect against? The DTP vaccine produces antibodies against tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, and poliomyelitis. DTP vaccination is given starting from 3 months of life three times, taking breaks between procedures in 1 month. If the child is after an illness, then the vaccine against poliomyelitis should be cancelled.

Many doctors suggest using Pentaxim - what diseases does this vaccine protect against? Pentaxim is a French immunobiological agent that acts as an alternative to DTP. The vaccine prevents the development of diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hemophilic infection and polio.

Tetanus vaccine

Tetanus - what kind of disease is it and is it possible to get vaccinated against it? Tetanus is a pathology of an infectious nature, often leading to death. The causative agent is transmitted through abrasions, cuts and other wound surfaces. It is necessary to be vaccinated against tetanus, since the incubation period of the disease is hidden, and it is almost impossible to identify a dangerous disease at the beginning. Typically, the ADS-M vaccine is used, which protects against tetanus and diphtheria at the same time.

Where can a child and an adult get a vaccine in Minsk?

Preventive vaccination is carried out strictly in healthcare organizations of Minsk. In the presence of a pediatrician or therapist, vaccination can also be given in private medical centers, vaccination centers, and feldsher-obstetric centers.

Vaccination centers and medical centers in Minsk


Address: st. Pritytsky, 39.


Address: st. Kiseleva, 12.


Address: st. Suhaya, 6.


Address: st. Gorodsky Val, 8.

What should you do after vaccination?

Do not rush to leave the medical center immediately after vaccination, according to the rules you need to stay in the building 30 minutes after the procedure. So, doctors will be able to provide assistance in case of unforeseen reactions.

Other medical recommendations are:

  • to limit contact with water for several days;
  • to exclude heavy fatty food;
  • to protect yourself from allergens;
  • to stop taking vitamin D for 5 days.

It is also important to prevent overheating (overcooling) of the body and try not to contact people suffering from colds.

Preventive measures of vaccination

For citizens of Belarus

Preventive measures of vaccination is your responsibility to yourself. There are vaccinations that are not included in the national calendar, so it is paid and carried out at the request of a patient. For example, you can get a pneumococcal vaccine for a child. What disease is it against? The vaccine protects against sinusitis, pneumonia, purulent meningitis, otitis and other complications.

The papillomavirus vaccine, the main causative agent of dysplasia and cervical cancer in women, is also a desirable but not mandatory vaccine. Doctors recommend this vaccine to children from 9 to 12 years old.

For foreign citizens

Foreign citizens should be vaccinated at the place of residence (for example, an adult can be vaccinated in Moscow or St. Petersburg at any medical center). If you cannot get a vaccine there, contact the Minsk vaccination centers and make the procedure on a paid basis.

Immunization is a proven tool of the prevention of infectious diseases, and this fact is out of doubts.