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Sri Lanka canceled quarantine for vaccinated tourists
Since July 7, the Sri Lankan authorities have released vaccinated tourists from a 14-day quarantine. The innovations also apply to travelers who are vaccinated with the Russian “Sputnik V” vaccine.
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Arina Sobolenko became the third racket of the world
Belarusian Arina Sobolenko for the first time in her career rose to third place in the ranking of the Women's Tennis Association (WTA). The Women's Tennis Association updated the rating on July 12: the 23-year-old Belarusian now occupies the third place in it, she has 6965 points.
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The World of Tanks Blitz Championship will be held in Belarus
On July 12, registration for the World of Tanks Blitz Championship of Belarus with a prize fund of 3000 rubles started. The championship will be held under the auspices of the Belarusian Association of Computer Sports, with the support of A1 and the developer company Wargaming.
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The Belarusian Railways has appointed an additional train Brest - Moscow
The Belarusian Railway has appointed an additional train Brest - Moscow from July 15 to 20. The train will depart from Brest on July 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 at 18:23 and arrive in Moscow at 9:23 the next day.
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109 Belarusian athletes will compete at the Olympic Games in Tokyo
109 Belarusian athletes will compete at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, which will be held from July 23 to August 8. They will perform in 20 kinds of sport. Swimmers, representatives of the national school of sailing, academic rowing, archery and bullet shooting will be among the first to arrive in Japan.
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Charters from Belarus to Jordan will be launched from September 3
From September 3, Belarusian tour operators have been launching charters to Jordan. The flights will connect Minsk with the resort city of Aqaba. The tour operator plans nine flights for September – November 2021 for nine nights.
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Visa centers of Lithuania and Estonia suspended the issuance of visas
Lithuanian and Estonian visa centers in Belarus have been suspending the acceptance of documents for obtaining national visas since July 8. In particular, the Lithuanian visa center said that it will not accept documents for Schengen type C visas and national type D visas to the Lithuanian embassy yet.
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Bus trips from Minsk to St. Petersburg are canceled from July 12
From July 12, 2021 "Minsktrans" cancels bus trips on international route "Minsk – St. Petersburg". Bus trips on the international route "Minsk – St. Petersburg" are canceled every other day.
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Russia changes the rules of entry for Belarusians from July 10
From July 10, Belarusians, when entering Russia, need to have the results of a negative test for coronavirus in the mobile application "Traveling without COVID-19". A negative result of a PCR-test should be obtained no earlier than three days before arrival in Russia.
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The sale of energy drinks to underage is prohibited in Belarus
Since July 8, the sale of energy drinks to persons under the age of 18 is prohibited in Belarus. This is provided for by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of June 25, 2021 No. 363.
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