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Belarus introduces a ban on the movement of Polish trailers

The Belarusian government has imposed a ban on the movement of trailers and semi-trailers registered in Poland, as well as passenger cars registered in this country that carry out international transportation, Sputnik reported.

The ban, which was introduced in April 2022, extended its effect to the movement of trucks and tractors registered in the EU member states.

Now one of the points of this ban is set out in a new edition.

The ban applies to:

  1. movement of trucks and tractors registered in EU Member States;
  2. movement of trailers (semi-trailers) registered in Poland;
  3. movement of passenger cars registered in Poland and carrying out international transportation in accordance with individual waybills or international CMR waybills.

Let us remind you that this week, Lithuania changed the rules for the transit of goods through Belarus.

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