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Belarus ranked 58th out of 70 in terms of Internet freedom

The international organization Freedom House has released a report on Internet freedom in different countries of the world. This year Belarus scored 28 points and took 58th place together with the OEA, reported. In 2021, the country took 56th place and scored 31 points, in 2020 — 46th place.

Points were awarded according to three parameters: obstacles to access to the network, restrictions on content and violation of user rights. According to the number of points, countries belong to three groups: free Internet (70-100 points), partially free Internet (40-69 points) and not free Internet (0-39 points).

In the whole world, the situation with Internet freedom has worsened in 28 countries, but it has improved in 26 more, and this is a record.

Belarus' performance in some categories of the Global Innovation Index has also improved over the year.

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