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BSU entered top 300 best universities in physics

Belarusian State University has entered the Top 300 best universities of the Shanghai Subject Ranking in physics. The list was updated on July 19, the BSU website writes. The Shanghai Ranking, together with QS and THE, is among the "big three" of the most authoritative world rankings that evaluate the activities of the first thousand universities.

Since 2017, BSU has remained the only representative of Belarus in the Shanghai ranking. For three years in a row, the university has been the part of the 401-500 group of universities. Since 2020, it has risen to the 201-300 level and retained the result in 2022.

Leaders among universities in physics are determined on the basis of five indicators: productivity of scientific activity; normalized citation of articles; international cooperation; materials published by universities in prestigious scientific journals; availability of scientific awards and prizes of international level.

The high position of BSU in the ranking is due to the high citation and the share of articles written in collaboration with international teams. On the latest indicator, BSU received 96.4 points out of 100 possible.

Read also how BSU works on developing new materials for optical equipment. We also remind you that BSU has become the best university for foreigners in Belarus.

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