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Evgeny Tikhontsov became the European champion in weightlifting in the category up to 102 kilograms

Belarusian weightlifter Yevgeny Tikhontsov became the European weightlifting champion in the category up to 102 kilograms at the championship held in Sofia, Bulgaria, Sputnik writes.

In the total of the two-man event, he demonstrated the best result, winning with a combination of weight in the snatch and the clean and jerk (181+217). Tikhontsov also won the "small gold" in the push. Armenian Samvel Gasparyan took the second place, and his compatriot Garik Karapetyan took the third place. Another Belarusian, Sergey Sharenkov, took the fourth place.

At the moment, the Belarusian team has three medals in the total of two events: gold, silver and bronze. Belarusian Eduard Zezyulin will compete for the awards on Tuesday.

The championship is an important qualification start for participation in the Olympic Games and brought together more than 350 athletes from 42 countries.

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