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More than 40 scientific developments of the University of Food and Chemical Technologies were put into production

In 2021, 41 developments of the Belarusian State University of Food and Chemical Technologies were introduced into production at industrial enterprises and organizations in Belarus, BELTA writes.

For example, the introduction of technology for the production of fermented products allowed the sale of bakery products in the amount of BYN159.4 thousand ($64 thousand). Another development helped to introduce the production technology and recipe of boiled sausage products and smoked-boiled pork product. It brought BYN15.78 thousand ($6 thousand).

Some of the university's developments have been awarded gold medals at international exhibitions. At the XXVII International Exhibition High Technologies. Innovations. Investments in St. Petersburg, the highest award was given to a highly efficient method of cleaning gases from solid particles.  As well as a viscous polysolt extract as a functional food ingredient, a waste-free technology for producing mixtures of biologically active grains and a cosmetic mask Biomix Grain.

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