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National Bank includes Chinese yuan in currencies basket of Belarusian ruble

From July 15, the Chinese yuan will become part of the basket of currencies based on which the exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble is set, Minsk-News reports. Read what Belarusian goods appeared on Chinese marketplaces.

The basket of currencies will look like this: Russian ruble — 50%, dollar — 30%, euro — 10%, Chinese yuan — 10%. Taking into account the inclusion of the Chinese yuan in the basket of foreign currencies, the official exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble to the Chinese yuan, as well as to the dollar, euro and Russian ruble, will be set based on the results of trading on the stock exchange.

Previously, the value of a basket of currencies was calculated as follows: Russian ruble — 50%, dollar — 30%, euro — 20%.

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