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There will be more toll parking lots in Minsk

Parking lots near Victory Square in Minsk will be made toll. This will help free up some of the parking lots in the city, Sputnik reported. Let us remind you that the duty on the import of electric cars to Belarus will remain zero until the end of 2023.

Toll parking lots will appear on the streets of Kamunistyčnaja, Kisialiova, Vyzvaliennia, Špaliernaja, Rakaŭskaja, Rymarskaja, Daŭhabrodskaja, Vakzaĺnaja.

At the same time, there are no plans to increase parking prices. Now the cost of one hour of parking in Minsk is 1 Belarusian ruble, and the first hour of parking in the city center costs 5 rubles.

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