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Unusual mushroom was found in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

A mushroom similar to an orange flower was found in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Its peculiarity is that despite its bright color and unusual shape, the mushroom is edible, BelTA reported.

The Aleuria Aurantia mushroom is edible, but it has no nutritional value due to its thin flesh, rubbery consistency and low taste qualities. It can be boiled and consumed raw, including for decorating salads.

The Aleuria Aurantia mushroom contains a special kind of lectin, which has antifungal and insecticidal properties. Due to this, the mushroom can be used in biochemistry and medicine, primarily as a marker in diagnostic and biological tests.

In particular, there is evidence of the possibility of using the fungus in the diagnosis of various types of cancer and immunotherapy.

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