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Doctor Information


Natalya Mikhailovna

Specialty: Hematology

Start year: 1994

Category: First



Natalya Mikhailovna

Specialty: Hematology

Start year: 1994

Category: First

  • hematology;
  • diagnosis and treatment of blood diseases;
  • diagnosis and management of patients with pregnant hypercoagulation syndrome;
  • differential diagnosis and treatment of anemia and cytopenia of various origins;
  • congenital bleeding disorders;
  • lymphoproliferative diseases;
  • identification of hemoblastoses;
  • interpretation of sternal punctures, myelograms, trepanobiopsy, cytogenetic studies and bone marrow immunophenotyping;
  • preparation for pregnancy and management of pregnant women with hemostatic disorders, including after IVF;
  • 1977 - internship in therapy at the Minsk Regional Hospital;
  • 1991 - TU "Issues of therapy";
  • 1993 - TU "Hemorrhagic diathesis, thrombosis, DIC-syndrome";
  • 1993 - TU "Modern issues of therapy";
  • 1997 - TU "Anemia and other hematological syndromes in therapeutic practice";
  • 1998 - TU "Selected Issues of Therapy";
  • 2002 - TU "Selected issues of therapy";
  • 2005 - the program "Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of internal organs" (topics - "Pulmonology", "Cardiology", "Gastroenterology");
  • 2006 - the program "Leukemia" (topics - "Leukemia", "Theoretical Foundations of Hematology");
  • 2008 - the program “Pathology of hemostasis” (topics - “Anemia”, “Physiology and pathology of hemostasis”);
  • 2010 - the program "Leukemia" (topics - "Clinical Transfusiology", "Leukemia");
  • 2011 - the program "Thrombosis, DIC-syndrome" (topics - "Hemostasis", "Clinical Transfusiology");
  • 2013 - the program "Leukemia" (topics - "Leukemia", "Clinical Transfusion");
  • 2016 - the program "Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of internal organs";