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Doctor Information


Inna Alexandrovna

Specialty: Pediatrics. Immunologist.

Start year: 1997

Category: Highest



Inna Alexandrovna

Specialty: Pediatrics. Immunologist.

Start year: 1997

Category: Highest

  • pediatrics;
  • children's nephrology;
  • children's allergology and immunology.
  • 1997 - Belarusian State Medical Institute;
  • 2001 - specialization in anesthesiology and intensive care in pediatrics;
  • 2001 - 2005 - Postgraduate studies in the specialty "Pediatrics"
  • 2003 - "Intensive care in neonatology", State Institution "BelMAPO";
  • 2003 - "Clinical Immunology and Allergology", GUO "BelMAPO";
  • 2004 - "The provision of emergency care in pediatrics", State Institution "BelMAPO";
  • 2006 - “Rheumatic diseases in children”, GUO “BelMAPO”;
  • 2007 - “Genetic diseases in children”, State Institution “BelMAPO”;
  • 2009 - “Actual issues of pediatric pulmonology”, State Institution “BelMAPO”;
  • 2013 - “Kidney Transplantation”, State Institution “BelMAPO”;
  • 2013 - 2014 - Specialization in Nephrology, Department of Faculty Pediatrics, St. Petersburg Medical University;
  • 2013 - the highest qualification category of the doctor was awarded;
  • 2013 - awarded the academic title of Associate Professor