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Doctor Information


Andrei Ivanovich

Specialty: Urology

Start year: 2009

Category: First



Andrei Ivanovich

Specialty: Urology

Start year: 2009

Category: First

  • Diseases of the prostate gland (acute and chronic prostatitis, vesiculitis, prostate adenoma, diagnosis of oncopathology);
  • Male factor in barren marriage (diagnosis of male infertility, conservative treatment);
  • Urolithiasis (diagnosis and conservative treatment);
  • Infections transmitted mainly through sexual contact
  • Questions of frequent urination and urinary incontinence.
  • Belarusian State Medical University, in 2008
  • 2010 - Primary specialization in the specialty "Urology and Nephrology"
  • 2011 - “Infertility - Urological Aspects” (ESU course - Viena, Austria) Seminar, European School of Urology - Austria Vienna
  • 2014 - Primary specialization in the specialty "Ultrasound Diagnostics"
  • 2015 - Continuing education on the topic “Male sexual dysfunction” (N. A. Lopatkin Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology - a branch of the FSBI “NIIRTS” of the Ministry of Health of Russia)
  • 2015 - Further training on the topic “Violation of male fertility” (N. A. Lopatkin Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology - a branch of FSBI “NIIRTS” of the Ministry of Health of Russia)
  • 2015 - Continuing education on the topic “Andrological Aspects of Endocrinology, Oncology and Urology” (N. Lopatkin Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology - a branch of FSBI “NIIRTS” of the Ministry of Health of Russia)
  • 2015 - Continuing education on the topic "Clinical Urology" (Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education)