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Doctor Information


Rostislav Yurievich

Specialty: Venereology. Cosmetology.

Start year: 1997

Category: Highest



Rostislav Yurievich

Specialty: Venereology. Cosmetology.

Start year: 1997

Category: Highest

  • Associate Professor of the Department of Dermatology and Cosmetology BELMAPO. Constantly improves qualifications: participates in workshops, trainings, scientific and practical conferences on dermatology, cosmetology, laser aesthetic surgery. Over 60 diplomas of the participant of republican and international practical conferences and seminars.
  • 1996 - Graduation from Vitebsk State Medical Institute
  • 1997 - Qualified as Dermatovenerologist
  • 2009 - Retraining as a cosmetologist
  • 2011 - Awarded the highest qualification category of a doctor
  • 2014 - Advanced training program "Laser technology in cosmetology and plastic surgery"
  • 2014 - Awarded the Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences
  • 2015 - Advanced training program "Cosmetology: correction methods"
  • 2015 - Skin Pathology
  • 2017 - Dermatoscopy and trichoscopy