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Medical center «Vnuki Hippocrata»
Medical center «Vnuki Hippocrata»
Physical therapy
3D printing model of the unborn child
Ultrasound diagnostics
Functional diagnostics
Minsk, City Val str., 8
Mon: 08:00 - 21:00
Tue: 08:00 - 21:00
Wed: 08:00 - 21:00
Thu: 08:00 - 21:00
Fri: 08:00 - 21:00
Sat: 08:00 - 21:00
Sun: 08:00 - 21:00
+375 (17) 348-03-03

Medical center «Vnuki Hippocrata»

General information about the medical center «Vnuki of Hippocrata»

In this center in the city center, you can get detailed advice for all family members from a gynecologist, ENT specialist, rehabiletologist, urologist and therapist. Physiotherapy is also one of the priority areas of the center.

Services of the medical center «Vnuki of Hippocrata»

The medical center offers a wide range of medical areas for patients: ultrasound diagnostics is performed on the latest generation of GE LOGIQ E9 ultrasound machine made in the USA using Doppler. This allows you to achieve the best degree of visualization in the studied area and get a clear diagnostic picture. The otorhinolaryngology office is equipped with a modern ENT unit Modula Europa from Heinemann, Germany. The device makes it possible to identify pathologies at an early stage and provide timely treatment. in the physiotherapy room, a high-tech device BTL 5000 made in Great Britain is installed, which allows for electrical stimulation, electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, laser therapy, supravenous laser irradiation, and shock wave therapy. The gynecology office is equipped with a German Schmitz gynecological chair with a Leisgang video colposcope. The massage therapist's office is equipped with a versatile and easy-to-use Finnish Lojer Capre massage table. The employees are highly qualified specialists with many years of practical activity.

Appointment to the medical center «Vnuki Hippocrata»

You can make an appointment daily using the feedback form on the website. You can also call the contact numbers of the Call Center: +375 (29) 345-03-03; +375 (33) 333-48-48; +375 (17) 348-03-03. Mail for communication Working hours daily 8:00 - 21:00.