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Clinical maternity hospital of Minsk region
Clinical maternity hospital of Minsk region
Treatment of cervical pathology
Laboratory diagnostics
Termination of pregnancy up to 12 weeks
Consultations of medical specialists
Ultrasound diagnostics
Surgical treatment of gynecological patients
Gynecological manipulations and procedures
Physiotherapeutic methods of influence
Medical abortion
Minsk, 16 F. Skaryna street
Mon: 08:00 - 17:00
Tue: 08:00 - 17:00
Wed: 08:00 - 17:00
Thu: 08:00 - 17:00
Fri: 08:00 - 17:00
+375 17 267-60-67

Clinical maternity hospital of Minsk region

General information about Clinical maternity hospital in Minsk region

The clinical maternity hospital of the Minsk region provides obstetric and gynecological services to women and children in the Minsk region.

The employees of the maternity hospital follow the goal of helping their patients in planning and managing pregnancies, as well as maintaining the health and beauty of members of each family.

The medical institution employs a team of experienced specialists who have saved hundreds of families. Specialists carry out planned consultative and methodological assistance to obstetricians-gynecologists and neonatologists in the Minsk region.

The maternity hospital is equipped with everything necessary to provide highly qualified care to even the most difficult patients. Throughout the history of the functioning of the maternity hospital, specialists have mastered the technology of nursing newborns weighing less than 1000 grams.

The medical facility uses the latest obstetric technologies such as partner and vertical births. At the request of a pregnant woman, a husband or mother may be present at the birth.

Specialists try to calm women in labor at the most crucial moment, therefore they use modern methods of pain relief, such as spinal and epidural anesthesia. New mothers are taught breastfeeding, childcare and other necessary procedures that they will need in the near future.

Services in Clinical Maternity Hospital of the Minsk Region

Highly qualified medical care is provided in the following areas:

• Massage of the mammary gland with lactostasis;

• Consultation of specialist doctors;

• Dentistry;

• Individual care, obstetrics, pat.examination;

• Gynecology;

• Service services;

• X-ray examinations, ultrasound, functional diagnostics;

• Psychotherapy;

• Plastic surgery, anesthesiology;

• Laboratory diagnostics;

• Barotherapy, reflexology, physiotherapy.

Appointment at Clinical Maternity Hospital of the Minsk Region

You can make an appointment in two convenient ways:

• By phone +375 17 369-94-64, +375 17 269-72-59, +375 29 188-55-36;

• By signing up online.

To make an appointment online, you should choose a service, indicate your contact information, specialty and initials of a specialist, date and time of appointment. The electronic system will make an appointment with you, and the specialist will wait at the appointed time.