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Belarus plans to receive about 1.75 million more doses of vaccines
Belarus expects to buy about 1 million doses of foreign vaccine and 250 thousand doses of Russian vaccine. It is also planned that another 500 thousand doses will be received as part of gratuitous assistance.
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The second Republican Gastrofest
From November 18 to December 5, the second republican Gastrofest will be held in all regional cities of Belarus. More than 90 cafes will take part in it.
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The National Center for Personal Data Protection will be registered on November 15
The Center will be an authorized body in the field of personal data. Its creation is provided for by the relevant law, which comes into force in the middle of the month.
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A register of advertising distributors will appear in Belarus
On November 2, Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree "On the placement (distribution) of advertising", which provides for the creation of a register of advertising distributors. The state information resource "Register of Advertising Distributors" will be created from January 1, 2022.
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Loboda's concert has been postponed
Svetlana Loboda's concert, scheduled for November 6 at the Minsk Arena, has been postponed, a new date has not yet been announced. Svetlana Loboda was supposed to present the program "BOOM-BOOM!" in Minsk.
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A new trolleybus route will appear in Minsk
From November 4, a new trolleybus route will appear in Minsk. Trolleybus No. 40a "DS Karastonova - Yuri Semenyako" will start running in the capital on weekdays.
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In Belarus, telecom operators have increased prices for their services since November 1
Prices for mobile communications, as well as home Internet from Beltelecom, were planned to increase from October 1, 2021, but then telecom operators postponed the dates of tariff increases to November 1.
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Belarus is developing an express test for simultaneous detection of COVID-19 and influenza
Belarusian scientists are developing an express test that will simultaneously detect both coronavirus infection and influenza. Ekaterina Plaksitskaya, a junior researcher at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, said that at the moment the development is at an initial stage, but it has already been decided that information on the determination of the antigen for coronavirus will appear on the right side of the test, and on the left – influenza type A and B.
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Export of medical oxygen is prohibited in Belarus
A temporary ban on the export of medical and technical oxygen outside Belarus has been introduced from today. The government decree was signed on October 28, published today on the National Legal Internet Portal and comes into force after its official publication.
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A new bus route will appear in Minsk
From November 1, a new bus route No. 30aС will appear in Minsk. Buses will run from the stops "Krasny Bor" and "Minskrybprom". The new bus route was launched in order to connect Stebeneva Street with the metro lines, Malinovka, Yugo Zapad and Sukharevo.
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