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Grodno Azot stops two workshops
Grodno Azot has been shutting down two workshops for major repairs since September 10. The work will be carried out in the ammonia-3 and urea-3 workshops.
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Belarus and Russia cancel covid restrictions on air travel
Russia will cancel all "covid" restrictions on air traffic with Belarus. This was stated by Vladimir Putin after talks with Alexander Lukashenko. "A decision has been made to cancel all before covid restrictions related to air transport" - Putin said at a press conference.
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Belarus suspends oil pumping through "Druzhba"
Belarus has suspended the pumping of oil through the "Druzhba" pipeline in the direction of Slovakia and Hungary. The suspension is connected with the reception of oil through the Odessa-Brody pipeline.
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On September 12, the center of Minsk will be closed due to the half marathon
The Minsk City Executive Committee decided to restrict traffic in the center of Minsk in connection with the half marathon on September 12. From 1:00 to 15:00 on Sunday, Pobediteley Avenue will be closed from Masherova Avenue to Nemiga Street.
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Belavia will start flying to the Arab Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah
From October 7, Belavia planes will start flying from Minsk to Ras al Khaimah (UAE). It is reported that the flights will be regular. Flights will be operated once a week on Thursdays.
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Minsk metro will change the mode of operation on the City Day
The Minsk metro will change the operating mode on Saturday, September 11, when the City Day will be celebrated in the capital. On the Moscovskaya and Avtozavodskaya lines, train traffic will be organized according to the Saturday schedule.
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The season of amusements in Minsk parks is coming to the end
The season of work of attractions in the capital's parks is nearing completion. “The attractions will go on "vacation" from September 26 until spring”, –  said Igor Kushnerevich, General Director of the "Minskzelenstroy".
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The head of Gazprom discussed cooperation with the Ambassador of Belarus
Ambassador of Belarus to Russia Vladimir Semashko and Gazprom's Chairman of the Management Board Alexey Miller discussed current and future issues of energy cooperation.
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Dates of autumn conscription were postponed in Belarus
The terms for sending conscripts to the formations and military units of the Belarusian army has been shifted in Belarus. The conscripts will be sent from October 25 to November 5. Accordingly, the servicemen will take the oath on November 20.
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1.5 million doses of Chinese vaccine delivered to Belarus
1.5 million doses of Chinese coronavirus vaccine produced by Sinopharm (Vero Cell) were delivered to Belarus. The country received 500 thousand doses as humanitarian aid, and purchased another 1 million.
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