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Belarusian Railways will update trains on the Minsk — Gomel line
On September 6, the Belarusian Railway will start trial operation of new five-car electric trains of international business class lines on the route Minsk – Gomel. New trains manufactured by "Stadler Minsk".
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Belarusbank stops operation of Belarusbank Pay service
Belarusbank will close the Belarusbank Pay payment service from September 1. However, it is noted that Belarusbank cardholders can use similar payment services that are supported by a financial institution: Samsung pay, Wallet Pay, Apple Pay, Fitbit Pay, Garmin Pay and Mi Smart Band 4 NFC.
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Belarusian schoolchildren will be taught financial literacy
A manual on financial literacy for schoolchildren was published in Belarus. The educational and methodological manual "Fundamentals of financial literacy" is intended for conducting electives in grades 8-9 of secondary school.
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A laboratory for testing for COVID-19 will be opened at the Central Bus Station of Minsk
The microlaboratory of the Minsk City Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology will appear in September at the Central Bus Station of Minsk. It will be possible to pass a PCR test for COVID-19 in the laboratory.
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BeCloud will become the administrator of the national domain zone
The technical administration of the national domain zone will be transferred to beCloud from January 1, 2022. The OAC has already prepared a corresponding order.
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A new passenger delivery service to the Minsk National Airport has been launched
A new service of individual transfer from home to the departure flight and back has started working in the capital. The service is called "Fly Shuttle". The transfer fee is fixed.
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Russian Railways will double the number of seats in the "Lastochka"
Russian Railways will increase the capacity of high-speed trains "Lastochka" between Minsk and Moscow from September 1. They will have not five, but ten cars.
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Belarus has simplified the procedure for checking the technical inspection
“Beltekhosmotr” simplified the procedure for checking the validity period of the permit for the admission of a vehicle to participate in road traffic. “Beltekhosmotr” provided an opportunity to check the validity period of the permit for access to road traffic on its website. The corresponding form is posted on the company's website.
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The sale of beer and low-alcohol beverages has been restricted in the Minsk region
The sale of beer and low-alcohol beverages with fraction of ethyl alcohol of no more than 7% will be restricted in the Minsk region, this decision was made at the level of the regional leadership. The document is officially published today on the National Legal Internet Portal and comes into force after publication.
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From September 1, "smart buffets" will start working in 100 schools in Minsk
From September 1, 2021, "smart buffets" will start working in 100 schools in Minsk. Students will be able to pay for buffet products using the student's card.
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