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Medical Centers
Tatyana Alexandrovna
Dermatologist of the first qualification category. Work experience since 2015.
Irina Grigoryevna
Dermatologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience since 1999.
Gennady Mikhailovich
A dermatologist is the first qualification category. Work experience since 1999.
Valentine Gavrilovich
Dermatologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience since 1965.
Medical center « Bioresonance»
Address Minsk, P. Glebki str., 11
  • +375 17 363-78-95
Medical center «Bullfinch»
Address Minsk, Matusevich str., 69
  • +375 33 358-99-09
Medical center «Dr. Kutas»
Address Minsk, Matusevicha str., 90
  • +375 17 254-33-54
Medical center «Vita»
Address Minsk, M. Bogdanovich str., 6
  • +375 (17) 334-61-81
Medical center "Terra Medica"
Address Minsk, Volgogradskaya str., 3-1H
  • +375 17 351-26-42
Medical center «SANTE»
Address Minsk, Trostenetskaya str., 3
  • +375 17 342-82-82
Medical center «Asmedservice»
Address Minsk, Pervomayskaya str., 22/1
  • +375 29 616-39-41
Medical center «LUBIMY DOCTOR»
Address Minsk, Matusevich str, 70
  • + 375 (17) 325-55-33
Medical center «Belevromed»
Address Minsk, Chervyakova str., 22
  • +375 29 130-30-05
Medical center «Aquamed»
Address Minsk, Akademicheskaya str., 26
  • +375 29 151-99-35
MTZ medical center
Address Minsk, Stakhanovskaya str., 10A
  • +375 17 266-99-38
Medical center "Novy Lekar"
Address Minsk, Engels str., 34A / 2
  • +375 17 328-35-45
Republican Scientific and Practical Sports Center
Address Minsk, Narochanskaya str., 8
  • +375 (17) 308 10 02
Eye Microsurgery Center "VOKA"
Address Minsk, Prylukskaya str., 48
Medical center «RSPC OMR named. N. N. Alexandrova»
Address Minsk district, ag Lesnoy
  • +375 17 265-23-01
Medical center "Eleos"
Address Minsk, F. skariny str., 11
  • +375 17 269-25-33
Minsk regional clinical hospital
Address Minsk district, agro-town Lesnoy, 1
  • +375 17 265-21-47
Medical center "Nordin"
Address Minsk, Surganova str., 47B
  • 159
City Clinical Dermatovenerologic Dispensary
Address Minsk, Prilukskaya str., 46a
  • +375 17 372-73-91
Center of aesthetic dermatology «Salve»
Address Minsk, Pritytskogo str., 29-529
  • +375 17 240-08-25
Medical center "Ecomedservice"
Address Minsk, Tolstoy str., 4
  • 160
Medical center "Biomedica"
Address Minsk, Chervyakova str., 64
  • +375 17 350-77-44
Medical center "Kravira"
Address Minsk, Pobediteley Ave., 45
  • +375 17 370-28-61
Medical center "Confidence"
Address Minsk, Pritytskogo str., 39
  • +375 17 363-70-73
Medical center «Vnuki Hippocrata»
Address Minsk, City Val str., 8
  • +375 (17) 348-03-03
Medical center "Grandmedica"
Address Minsk, M. Bogdanovich str., 78
  • +375 29 169-75-17
Medical center «LODE»
Address Minsk, Independence Ave., 58
  • 111
Salon of medical cosmetology "Kosmed"
Address Minsk, Bogdanovich str., 56
  • +375 29 668-22-27
Cosmetology clinic "NewSkin"
Address Minsk, Pritytsky str., 79
  • +375 29 691-28-43
Medical centers «NOGI.BY»
Address Minsk, Melezha str., 1
  • +375 29 172-62-92
Medical center "MedClinic"
Address Minsk, Pritytskogo str., 79
  • +375 17 392-83-03
1st Central district clinical polyclinic of the Central district of Minsk
Address Minsk, Sukhaya str., 6
  • +375 17 200-36-75

Dermatology in Minsk

In addition to aesthetic attraction, human skin performs a number of other functions, it protects the body from undesirable external factors, helps the body to breathe. That is why it is important to constantly maintain our skin healthy. In case of unusual changes on the skin, you should visit a dermatologist. He deals with skin diseases, studies the structure, properties and pathologies of the dermis.

Who is a dermatologist and what does he do?

A dermatologist is a specialist who carries out diagnosis, therapy and prevention of pathologies of the skin, hair, nail plates and mucous membranes. It is necessary to make an appointment with a dermatologist immediately as soon as you detect any dermatological defects. So, you will not allow the progression of the disease.

In Minsk, you can make an appointment with a dermatologist who has the following specializations:

  • oncologist-dermatologist in Minsk;
  • dermatologist-cosmetologist in Minsk;
  • dermatologist-allergist in Minsk;
  • dermatologist-venereologist in Minsk.

What diseases does a dermatologist treat in Minsk?

At an appointment with a dermatologist, diseases of any etiology are revealed: inflammatory, parasitic, infectious, fungal, viral. Patients with psoriasis, eczema, acne, furunculosis, neurodermatitis and other dysfunctions can apply to dermatologists of Minsk for help.

All skin defects are differentiated into 3 groups, presented in the table below.

Varieties of Skin Diseases

Diseases of the dermis and mucous epithelium are divided into 2 groups: infectious and not. Non-infectious pathologies of an inflammatory nature include:

  • urticaria;
  • eczema;
  • seborrhea;
  • dermatitis;
  • neurodermatitis.

In order to be completely confident in the diagnosis, you need to consult with a dermatologist. In Minsk you can visit a highly qualified dermatologist for a fee (in Minsk there are also free dermatologists), and dermatologists carry out the appointments in the Minsk region as well.

Note! Be sure you take a ticket to a dermatologist in Minsk if your skin itches, swells, turns red; scales, rashes and furuncles appear on it.

An appointment with a dermatologist should be immediate if a person is ill with contagious forms of skin diseases, including:

  • mycosis;
  • herpes;
  • trichophytosis (ringworm);
  • rubrophytia (fungal infection of the feet);
  • favus.

Some diseases have similar symptoms, therefore, you can find out an accurate diagnosis only by visiting a dermatologist in Minsk.

Dermatologist services

Dermatologists of Minsk provide a wide range of services:

  • interview the patient in order to clarify the anamnesis;
  • conduct an examination of the dermis, nail plates, skin of the head and mucous membranes;
  • if it is necessary, carry out analyses and interpret the results.

Doctors write prescriptions and provide patients with consultative opinions containing recommendations for treatment.

Treatment of Skin Diseases

Therapy of skin diseases is carried out taking into account the anamnesis and the presence of concomitant diseases. Do not prescribe treatment by yourself, you will only aggravate your condition, in addition, the pathology can take a chronic form.

Dermatologist Consultation

The main task of a dermatologist in Minsk, who comes to consult both for fee and for free, is to establish the nature of the pathology and find out what influenced its occurrence.

Appointment with a Dermatologist

At an appointment, a doctor accurately classifies your dysfunction and prescribes the necessary therapeutic regimen. The measures of both external and internal action are assigned. The choice of medicines depends on the clinical picture of the disease.

How to make an appointment with a dermatologist in Minsk?

Before making an appointment with a dermatologist in Minsk, decide whether you want to visit paid dermatologists or free doctors. If you prefer free medicine, you need to take a ticket to dermatologists of Minsk, who work in clinics. If you have the opportunity to be treated by paid specialists, just call any center for dermatology in Minsk and make an appointment with a doctor. The prices for dermatologist services in Minsk can be found on the website of a particular clinic.

The best dermatologists of Minsk

The best dermatologists of Minsk are specialists who are highly qualified and have rich therapeutic experience such as:

  • Koneva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna - a successful dermatologist in Minsk;
  • Shimanskaya Irina Grigoryevna - a highly qualified dermatologist in Minsk;
  • Pankratov Valentin Gavrilovich - an experienced dermatologist in Minsk;
  • Soroko Genadiy Mikhailovich - this dermatologist works in the Frunzensky district of Minsk (center "Confidence");
  • Barabanov Andrey Leonidovich - a well-known dermatologist in Minsk, you can read reviews about his work on several sites;
  • Smal Tatyana Alexandrovna.

These dermatologists work in well-known medical centers in Minsk, vacancies in which are not so easy to get.

Pediatric Dermatologist

A pediatric dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in treating children. You can visit a pediatric dermatologist in Minsk both for free and for free. Before making an appointment, read reviews about pediatric dermatologists in Minsk. Many parents, by the way, recommend pediatric dermatologists who work in the Frunzensky district of Minsk.

Appointment with a Dermatologist

Make an appointment with a dermatologist in Minsk only after studying reviews of doctors. It is not so easy to immediately get to a gifted doctor.

Dermatological and medical centers in Minsk

Dermatology of Minsk is represented by a number of medical centers. In order to get a consultation from a dermatologist, you can visit the following healthcare institutions:

  • Ekomedservice;
  • Aquamed;
  • Asmedservice;
  • Vnuki of Hippocrates;
  • Belevromed;
  • LODE in Minsk, where experienced dermatologists conduct an appointment;
  • VITA;
  • Terra Medika;
  • Medclinic;
  • Novy Lekar;
  • Kravira;
  • Kosmed;
  • Lubimy Doctor;
  • Bioresonance;
  • Eleos;
  • Newskin;
  • Sante;
  • Bullfinch;
  • Grandmedica;
  • Biomedica;
  • Nordin;
  • Confidence;
  • Doctor Kutas;
  • Salve.


You can also contact the City Clinical Dermatovenerologic Dispensary in Minsk, dermatologists work on Prylukskaya Street. You can take a ticket to a dermatologist on Prylukskaya in Minsk by phone or online. Dermatology in Minsk on Prylukskaya provides all types of dermatological services. The dermatology registration is located on Nakhimov Street in Minsk. On Nakhimov in Minsk, you can make an appointment with a dermatologist.

In Minsk on Smolyachkova Street there is a famous dermatology - the 2nd outpatient dermatovenereological department. Smolyachkov in Minsk highly qualified dermatologists carry out the appointments.

In order to find a dermatologist taking in your area quickly, use the table below.

Make an appointment with a dermatologist up to time, so you will not allow complications, and your skin will be healthy and beautiful.

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