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Complete medical diagnosis

Life moves in a frenzied rhythm, most people are constantly short of time. But health must always be remembered. Modern medical centers offer diagnostics of various diseases, as well as complete body examinations, which allow to get complete information about the state of all body systems in a short time.

The best doctors in Belarus

The best doctors of Belarus are at every paid and free medical institution, as the Belarusian medicine is at a high level.

Diagnostics of eye diseases

Prolonged work at the computer, air conditioning, chronic sleep deprivation - all this affects our eyes.

We remember the beautiful vision that nature gives us only when we begin to see worse.

For those who want to say goodbye to the problems of poor eyesight, in Belarusian clinics you can get all the necessary research and recommendations for treatment and maintenance of good vision, which are carried out on the most modern equipment by ophthalmologists with a long clinical experience.

Diagnostics of brain diseases

Timely diagnosis is able to identify both the diseases themselves and their causes, making effective treatment possible. Let's consider the main methods of studying the brain structure.

EchoEG (echo-encephalography) - ultrasound diagnosis of brain pathologies, performed with an oscilloscope.

Ultrasound Doppler - study is performed to assess the blood flow in large and medium-sized vessels of the head and neck.

Brain REG (Rheoencephalography) - this method of assessing the functional state of blood vessels is based on the registration of changes in the total electrical resistance of tissues and is due to pulse fluctuations of the vessels.

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of brain vessels is a rather complicated but highly informative examination method based on the mechanism of nuclear magnetic resonance.

MRA (Magnetic Resonance Angiography) - this method, which does not require a direct puncture of the artery, is rapidly improving and opens up great prospects for the study of the vascular channel.

EEG (Electroencephalography) - the method consists in recording by means of electroencephalograph fluctuations of electrical potentials in the brain.

ENMG (electroneuromyography) - used to record muscle biocurrents. It is used to diagnose peripheral nerve diseases and neuromuscular diseases.

ENMG (Neurosonography) - ultrasound perfectly copes with the study of the brain of newborns until the closure of the large fontanelle.

Craniography - so called execution in 2 projections, shaped and profile, X-ray of the skull.

CT (computed tomography) of brain vessels - is to measure the intensity of X-rays passing through brain tissue.

PET (Positron Emission Tomography) - based on the use of radiopharmaceuticals, which make it possible to build a three-dimensional reconstruction of functional processes occurring in the human brain.

Diagnostics of throat diseases

Modern diagnostics of laryngeal diseases is based on the endoscopic method of examination, which allows to assess the condition of the organ on a qualitatively new level. Video endoscopy - the only practical method of examination, the larynx, which allows you to see fluctuations in the vocal folds, to assess the quantitative and qualitative indicators of their vibratory cycle. The use of flexible and rigid endoscopes makes it possible to examine the larynx in any patient with dysphonia, both adults and children.

Diagnosis of nasal diseases

Diagnosis of nasal diseases consists of a detailed survey of the patient about the peculiarities of his life and disease development, medical examination by a therapist and a doctor's ENT (rhinoscopy), studies of the paranasal sinuses (X-ray or computed tomography), microscopic and bacteriological examination detached from the nose, study of general blood and urine analysis. If necessary, an allergist consultation and allergological tests for the detection of an allergen are performed.

Neck disease diagnosis

Diagnosis of the cause of neck pain is aimed primarily at eliminating symptomatic pain, which can be caused by severe somatic pathology, immune diseases, infections and tumours. Pain accompanied by increased body temperature, chills, leukocytosis and other signs of inflammation may be caused by an infectious process.

Diagnosis of breast diseases in women

There are a number of breast exam methods, each of which has its own scope, advantages and disadvantages. Generally, the following types of diagnostics are used to get a comprehensive picture:

  • clinical research;
  • radiation diagnostics;
  • mammography;
  • X-rays;
  • fluorography;
  • computerized tomography;
  • ultrasound investigation;
  • histological examination and so on.

Diagnostics of GIT diseases

The gastrointestinal tract is part of the digestive system. The body to process incoming food, getting useful and essential components, vitamins and minerals, uses it.

Comprehensive diagnostics of gastrointestinal diseases with the help of modern examination methods makes it possible to detect various pathologies at an early stage, to start timely treatment and prevent the development of complications.

Diagnosis of liver diseases

Biomaterial analysis helps to determine how well the liver is performing with each of its functions. A failure in one or more functions forms the clinical picture from which the diagnosis is made. The following types of tests are most commonly used to detect liver pathologies:

  • examination of pigment metabolism;
  • urine bilirubin;
  • determination of bile acid concentration in bile;
  • study of protein metabolism;
  • testing of the clotting system;
  • liver excretor function research;
  • cholinesterase detection;
  • serum enzymes research;
  • carbohydrate metabolism of the liver.

Diagnosis of kidney disease

Doctors perform the following tests when diagnosing kidney diseases:

  • study of blood urea levels;
  • study of creatinine levels in the blood;
  • study of blood potassium levels;
  • uric acid levels in the blood;
  • general (clinical) blood test;
  • general (clinical) urine test;
  • ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands, bladder.

Diagnosis of heart disease

Visualization in cardiology and cardiac surgery is an important part of diagnostics and treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases. At present the main methods of imaging are electrocardiographic, echocardiographic, angiographic and nuclear methods of examination. In recent years, each of these methods has become evidence of rapid technological development. All methods can now provide comprehensive information on heart function and blood supply.

Diagnostics of gynaecological diseases

Diagnosis of gynecological diseases at an early stage allows identifying even minor pathologies and start treatment as early as possible. There are many methods of gynecological examination, which are used in modern practice:

  • biopsy;
  • colposcopy;
  • swabs;
  • sowing;
  • blood tests;
  • laparoscopy;
  • ultrasound investigation;
  • computer tomography and so on.

Diagnostics of urological diseases

Ultrasound is widely used to diagnose diseases of the genitourinary system.  Conducting ultrasound of the pelvic, prostate, kidney, bladder, abdominal cavity, etc., transrectal ultrasound of the prostate. Ultrasound is absolutely safe and allows you to quickly diagnose urolithiasis, kidney tumor disease, bladder, prostate, bladder stones, acute or chronic pyelonephritis, prostate adenoma and other diseases.

Diagnosis of proctological diseases

Diagnostic methods in coloproctology include rectal instrumental and non-instrumental examination methods.

Examination of patients with diseases of the colon, anal canal and perineum begins with the clarification of complaints, anamnesis and general examination. General clinical examination is important for the establishment of a diagnosis and serves as a basis for the selection of special methods of examination of the large intestine.

Diagnostics of lower and upper extremity diseases

The vascular system is a complex complex of anatomical formations providing blood movement and vital substances supply to the body. The condition of blood vessels, which can be evaluated by ultrasound, has a direct impact on the health of the whole body.

Ultrasound examination of blood vessels is carried out by duplex scanning method. This modern non-invasive procedure allows you to determine:

  • various physiological indicators: the size of the vessels, blood flow rate and pressure in them;
  • pathological changes in blood movement, valve apparatus, vascular wall structure;
  • atherosclerotic changes and other signs of vascular disease.

Diagnostics of joint diseases

As a rule, the diagnosis of joint diseases starts with radiography. Signs of joint affection can be seen on the images: disturbances of joint surfaces conformity, bone sprawl along the cartilage edge, calcium deposits. Some joints can be studied by ultrasound. It details the soft tissues, especially the masses surrounding the joint - tendons, ligaments, muscles. In general, this method is quite accurate, but it is best suited to determine diseases of the near-articular tissues. If it is necessary to examine the internal content of the joint, a puncture is performed on the joint capsule with a withdrawal of synovial fluid. It is visually inspected, determining impurities (blood, pus), studied under a microscope in search of infectious agents, if necessary, can even sow on the nutrient media for bacteriological study. There is a method that allows you to see the joint from the inside. It is called arthroscopy and consists of examining its inner cavity using an endoscope inserted through a puncture. The advantage of the examination is that it is possible to take a biopsy - a piece of synovial capsule for the examination - and also to perform some therapeutic manipulations.

Diagnosis of circulatory system diseases

Diagnosis of diseases of the circulatory system includes:

  • daily monitoring of blood pressure;
  • holter monitoring;
  • heart ultrasound;
  • electrocardiography;
  • stress test;
  • programming and adjustment of implanted pacemakers.

Diagnostics of nervous system diseases

Magnetic resonance imaging of the central nervous system (CNS) includes:

  • conducting a complex MRI of the brain without contrast enhancement, including a program of early diagnosis of stroke;
  • MRI of the cervical spine without contrast enhancement;
  • MRI of the thoracic spine without contrast enhancement;
  • MRI of the lumbar spine without contrast enhancement;
  • MRI of the sacroiliac spine without contrast enhancement.

Diagnostics for foreign nationals

Foreign nationals may undergo diagnostics for a fee or if they have insurance.

Diagnostic centers: institutes, hospitals and departments

On this page, you can find the best diagnostic centers.

Because of the crazy rhythm, we don't think about our health until something starts to bother us. We recommend timely diagnosis and early detection of diseases. Medical centers in Belarus allow us to get a full diagnosis of the organism in the shortest possible time.
