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Forests of Belarus

The forest is one of the most significant natural resources of Belarus. In 2022, forests cover 40.1% of the country's territory. For 60 years, ecologists of Belarus have been able to increase the area of forests by 2 times.

Forests are one of the main renewable natural resources in Belarus, which is why the country is among the top ten forest states in Europe. There is about 1 ha of forested land per 1 inhabitant. Moreover, the number continues to grow.

All forests in Belarus are state property. However, residents are allowed to do mushroom and berry hunting, as well as spend time in forests.


National parks and nature reserves of Belarus

Some forests in Belarus are protected. They are part of national parks, nature reserves and zakazniks also known as game reserves. In addition to nature, animals are also protected on those territories. The main difference between nature reserves and national parks is the protection regime. A nature reserve is an area completely closed to any human impact and economic activities. Compliance with the rules of human interaction with fauna and flora is strictly controlled here.

A national park also has security. But there are places for recreation and entertainment of visitors, as well as for exploring the natural territory. There is also a third type of protected forests — game reserves. They are called zakazniks in Belarus. Human activities that can harm protected objects are prohibited in game reserves. However, activities that do not harm protected plants or animals are allowed.

Do not be afraid to get confused among rules and restrictions. Fences surround all protected forests in Belarus, so it will not be possible to get into the territory of a reserve or a national park by chance.

However, the concept of "protected area" includes fewer restrictions than it may seem. In Belarus, all national parks and nature reserves exist thanks to visitors. The entrance is charged, so there are places equipped for recreation. Almost everywhere there are well-thought-out tourist routes, rental housing, restaurants, sightseeing programs, museums. Therefore, forest tourism in Belarus is developed at such a level that it is possible to spend time in an interesting and comfortable way.


Recreation in National parks of Belarus

There are four national parks in Belarus: Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Narachanski Park, Braslav Lakes Park and Pripyatsky Park. All national parks have places for recreation and accommodation. You will be able to take an excursion, walk ecological trails and tourist routes. In national parks, you can see not only forest plants, but also wild animals.


Belovezhskaya Pushcha

In Belovezhskaya Pushcha, you can spend time relaxing and seeing over protected animals and plants. There are several accommodation options: hotels and small cottages. There is also a restaurant, several cafes and bars on site. You can also read our detailed article about recreation in Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

To see over flora and fauna of Belovezhskaya Pushcha, a network of automobile, bicycle and hiking routes, as well as ecological trails have been developed. Bicycles and hiking equipment can also be rented. When visiting museums, you can use the services of a guide.


Narochanski Park

Narochanski Park has both protected forests and lakes. In addition to staying in a hotel and cottages, you can stay here for camping with your tent or in equipped houses. The hotels also have restaurants.

You can also do ecotourism in the park: walk or drive an ecological route, take a tour of the park or the nearest cities. You can also go fishing or hunting.

Narochanski Park includes 43 lakes. Main Naroch Lake is well equipped for swimming and beach holidays. Before visiting the park, we recommend reading our article.


Braslav Lakes

Braslav Lakes National Park is considered the main place for water recreation. However, forestry and tourism are also developed here, so the park offers places for hunting and fishing. In addition, all forests and reservoirs of the park are protected. There are also scientific studies conducted.

On the territory of the park, there are four recreation centers with different types of accommodation, where there are restaurants, swimming pools and baths, as well as gyms. You can also stay at specially equipped campsites and tourist lots. Read more in our article about Braslav Lakes.

In the park, you can visit aviaries with animals. You can also take a guided sightseeing tour around the park. Cycling and hiking trails are also available (bicycles can be rented). You can get on a photo hunt or walk along ecological trails.


Pripyatsky Park

Like all national parks, Pripyatsky National Park offers an excursion where you can see animals in their natural habitat. The obvious difference is that the animals are not in aviaries here, so you can go a safari tour by car. Also in the park, you can visit the open-air museum, which will introduce you to the life of Belarusians of the past centuries.

In Pripyatsky Park, you can stay in hotels and cottages, where meals and other services are offered. Organized hunting and fishing are also possible in the park.


Recreation in Nature reserves of Belarus

There are two nature reserves in Belarus: Berezinsky Nature Reserve and Polesie Radioecological Reserve. Here you can also explore the Belarusian forests and meet wild animals in the wild. However, we remind you that nature reserves are the most strictly protected areas, so most activities are possible only when accompanied by tour guides.


Berezinsky Nature Reserve

In Berezinsky Nature Reserve, there are several museums, wildlife tours and themed excursions to the habitats of some animals. In the reserve you can walk along several tourist routes: hiking, cycling, horseback riding, water, skiing. All equipment can be rented. Visiting tourist routes is possible only if accompanied by a guide from the reserve.

Berezinsky Nature Reserve also organizes nature and neighborhood tours, fishing and hunting. You can also go horse riding. Everything is standard with accommodation: hotels and small houses with meals and everything you need. By the way, accommodation can be booked online. Before the trip, look at our big article about the reserve.


Polesie Radioecological Reserve

Polesie State Radioecological Reserve is a research center where nature and wildlife condition is studied.  The reserve is located on the territory that suffered from the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In addition to protection from forest fires and illegal human activities, radiation levels are also monitored here. The task of the staff is to prevent the spread of radionuclides outside the reserved territory and to conduct radiobiological studies.

Here you can get for an excursion to the Belarusian exclusion zone. The routes are safe for health, as the radiation level is constantly monitored. In total, there are about 10 routes to the exclusion zone. You will see not only nature, but houses, schools and other places left by people. There are no other tourism options in the reserve for obvious reasons.


Recreation in Game reserves of Belarus

There are about 90 working game reserves in Belarus. Unique natural complexes are protected there, for example, certain types of animals or plants. Certain activities can be prohibited here, for example, hunting for protected birds. However, unlike nature reserves and national parks, it is possible to engage in activities that do not affect protected objects. For example, people are allowed to do mushroom hunting or graze cattle.

The territory of game reserves is not always fully protected. Most often there are not even fences and checkpoints. Therefore, the conditions and planning of tourism are less developed here than in nature reserves or national parks. However, most of game reserves create maps of ecological routes and have museums or sightseeing tours. Bicycles or boats can also be rented in some game reserves. However, you should be prepared that in most places there will be no hotels, restaurants and guides. Therefore, game reserves are the best for independent tourism.

Most game reserves in Belarus also protect lakes, rivers and swamps. We will tell you about the largest one, where the main part of the territory is occupied by forests.


Naliboki forest

Naliboki forest is one of the largest forests in Europe. If you're lucky, you can meet famous bison in the wild here. There are lots of deers and roe deers in the forest. You can also watch tarp-like horses and more than 50 species of other animals. If you are a fan of hunting, the reserve will also organize everything you need. At the same time, remember that poaching is illegal here, as in all forests of Belarus.

There are three rivers and four tributaries on the territory of the reserve. In addition to them there is Kroman Lake. There are swampy areas with their own unique flora and fauna. It is worth going to the reserve for solitude and views of forests.

There are cycling routes in the reserve with the possibility of renting bicycles. You can also walk along an ecological trail or do kayaking. You can also stay at equipped tourist camping lots, where there is a place for a bonfire, garbage and covered gazebos. The admission for tourist lot rental is charged.


Recreation in forests of Belarus

You can do forest tourism in any forest in Belarus. If the forest area is not a part of a protected or private territory, then everyone can get there. Remember a rule: if there is no fences, as well as restrictive signs or checkpoints, you can freely enter the forest. However, there are some rules for a safe forest walk.


Bans and restrictions on visiting forests in Belarus

The Ministry of Forestry of Belarus may prohibit or restrict visits to any forest in case of a high risk of fires or for another reason. You can track the areas closed to visitors on the online map, which is constantly updated. Bans and restrictions do not apply to nature reserves, national parks and any protected forest areas.

 The map is completely in Russian, but it is easy to understand. The green color highlights open forests without restrictions. Yellow color means that visits are limited. They are restricted. Forests that are forbidden to visit are highlighted in red. They are banned.

Each zone has comments from local authorities about the reason for the ban or restriction. However, there are general rules:

  • The ban is valid for 24 hours, so you cannot visit the forest at any time during the period.
  • The restriction on visiting the forest is valid from 10AM untill 7PM. The rest of the time, the restriction is lifted. This is the main difference between yellow restricted forests and red banned forests.
  • You cannot stay in the banned or restricted at the specified period. It is also impossible to enter by transport and do any activities.

Usually, a comment on the prohibition or restriction of visiting forests in a certain area explains which activities are prohibited. However, in most cases, staying and doing any activities is forbidden. If you do not have time to dig in the nuances, you had better give up forest walks in red and yellow zones.


Mushroom and berry hunting in Belarus

In all forests of Belarus, except nature reserves, it is allowed to pick berries, mushrooms, nuts and other fruits. We have a detailed article about mushroom hunting in Belarus. Picked mushrooms and berries are not subject to duty, they do not registration. It is plain and simple: everything you have found becomes yours.

One piece of advice is important here. You need to understand berries and mushrooms so as not to harm yourself. We also advise you to communicate with locals, look through forums or look for tours where a guide will help you to set eatable and poisoned apart.


Rules in forests

The Forest Code of Belarus stipulates that you can freely collect wild berries, mushrooms, fruits, nuts and tree juices. You can also collect vegetation: fallen leaves, birch bark and tree branches, wild plants, moss (except plants and fungi included in the Red Book of Belarus or subject to international treaties of Belarus, as well as those included in the list of narcotic plants).

In a forest, you can conduct and participate in tourist, health, sports events. You can also do any activities that do not offend rules. In general, any activity that does not harm the forest is allowed. The list of prohibited activities includes:

  • illegal logging, damage, destruction of forest plantations;
  • forest pollution by waste (waste should be taken with you or left in specially designated places of temporary waste storage);
  • destruction and destruction of anthills, nests, burrows and other habitats of wild animals.

Free hunting is also prohibited in the forests of Belarus. You can hunt only in designated areas, for a certain animal and after obtaining a license. There is a detailed article on hunting in Belarus on our website. 

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