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Plastic surgery
Medical Centers
Igor Vladimirovich
Plastic surgeon of the highest qualification category. Work experience since 1993.
Alexey Ivanovich
Plastic surgeon of the highest qualification category. Work experience since 2006.
Nikolay Semenovich
Plastic surgeon, oncologist, mammologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience since 1988.
Sergey Yuljanovich
Plastic surgeon of the highest qualification category. Work experience since 1985.
Minsk regional clinical hospital
Address Minsk district, agro-town Lesnoy, 1
  • +375 17 265-21-47
Medical center «Antes Med»
Address Minsk, Krasnoarmeyskaya str., 32
  • +375 (17) 350-03-03
Medical center «RSPC OMR named. N. N. Alexandrova»
Address Minsk district, ag Lesnoy
  • +375 17 265-23-01
Plastic surgery «IP Kurilovich N. N.»
Address Minsk, Communist str., 3
  • +375 29 182-87-72
Medical center "Confidence"
Address Minsk, Pritytskogo str., 39
  • +375 17 363-70-73
Medical center "Edaran-Medical"
Address Minsk, Lenin street, 9
  • +375 17 220-21-01
Medical center "Era"
Address Minsk, Pionerskaya str., 32
  • +375 17 209-03-44
Eye Microsurgery Center "VOKA"
Address Minsk, Prylukskaya str., 48
Medical center "Nordin"
Address Minsk, Surganova str., 47B
  • 159
Medical Center "Shinest"
Address Minsk, Revolutionary str., 26a
  • +375 29 292-11-25
Clinical center of plastic surgery and medical cosmetology
Address Minsk, M. Bogdanovicha street, 53
  • +375 17 354-81-04
Medical center «SANTE»
Address Minsk, Trostenetskaya str., 3
  • +375 17 342-82-82
Medical center «Sedmoe nebo»
Address Minsk, Filimonov str., 53
  • +375 17 269-00-20
Medical center "Kravira"
Address Minsk, Pobediteley Ave., 45
  • +375 17 370-28-61

Medical centers and clinics of plastic surgery in Minsk

 Plastic surgery is a field of surgery dedicated to operations to eliminate defects in any organs, surfaces and tissues of the human body. All activities of a plastic surgeon are aimed at achieving an aesthetic result along with a therapeutic effect. In Minsk, plastic surgery is represented by many clinics and centers in which professional doctors work.

Cosmetology and plastic surgery

Before deciding to do an aesthetic operation, it is worth consulting a cosmetologist. If you want to slightly refresh your face and look a little younger, cosmetology will help you. But if a woman is over 60, then the desired result can be achieved only with the help of radical techniques.

By the way! The concept of “plastic” means “create”, “sculpt”.

In order not to become a victim of plastic surgery and not to worsen your health, study the rating of the best plastic surgeries and reviews on them. On the sites and forums of plastic surgery clinics, you can find photos before and after the operation.

Plastic surgeon

The specialist is engaged in the correction of deformed structures and physical anomalies. Plastic surgeons not only deal with the aesthetic side, they also perform operations to restore the functioning of organs and tissues.

Plastic Surgery Services

All plastic surgery services are divided into 2 categories: reconstructive and aesthetic.

Aesthetic operations are the essence of a plastic surgeon. They are carried out at the request of the patient to improve the appearance or eliminate an obvious cosmetic defect for non-medical reasons.

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

This is the area in which surgery is performed for medical reasons. Doctors of reconstructive plastic surgery are general surgeons, traumatologists, gynecologists, orthopedists.

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

In this area, operations are performed at the request of the patient to improve external characteristics. Aesthetic plastic surgery does not require explicit indications for intervention, everything is decided by the person himself.

Types of basic operations

In plastic surgery, there are many operations aimed at improving the most diverse parts of the body.

Surgical correction of the nose (rhinoplasty)

Plastic surgery of the nose is called rhinoplasty. It is carried out both for aesthetic and for reconstructive purposes (to improve nasal breathing).

Surgical correction of the lower third of the face (facelift)

The operation is a lift of the middle or lower face. The surgeon corrects muscles, skin, fatty tissue, returning freshness and youth to the face. The optimal age for face lifting, according to doctors, is 40-45 years.

Surgical face correction

Plastic surgery of the face offers a number of correction operations: the use of facial implants, endoscopic lifting, space lifting, neck lifting.

Surgical correction of forehead and eyebrows

Eyebrow correction is carried out to change their position, lifting up, which significantly rejuvenates the person. Usually this manipulation is combined with forehead plastic surgery. Surgeons weaken the muscles that fix the eyebrows, pulling the dermis up. Such plastic opens the gaze, smoothing wrinkles on the forehead.

Surgical correction of the eyelids (blepharopolastic)

Eye plastic surgery performs operations to remove the overhanging eyelids, changing their shape and contours. Blepharoplasty is divided into 2 types:

  • plastic of the upper eyelid;
  • lower blepharoplasty.

In the centers of ocular plastic surgery, interventions are performed both for aesthetic reasons and for treatment purposes (when the eyelid violates the field of view, narrowing the palpebral fissure).

Body Surgery

Such operations are required to change the shape of the buttocks, hips, legs, shoulders. The most popular abdominoplasty is restoration of the shape and parameters of the stomach.


Radical fat removal intervention. The surgeon cuts certain parts of the body and sucks fat using a vacuum apparatus.

Surgical correction of the breast (mammoplasty)

Breast plastic surgery is performed to:

  • increase in the size of the mammary glands;
  • decrease the size and giving the breast a toned look;
  • gland tightening.

Plastic surgeons also undergo a breast reconstruction when the gland has been removed or is absent from birth.

Reconstructive surgery and congenital pathology

Reconstructive surgical interventions are aimed at restoring external attractiveness and normalizing the functions of the affected parts of the body. Defects can be both congenital and acquired in nature: scars, burns, tattoos, abnormalities in the formation of organs.

Intimate plastic

This type of plastic surgery involves a change in the external genitalia. In the centers of plastic surgery, correction of the labia, clitoris, vagina, and penis is performed.

Plastic surgeon consultation

Surgical intervention necessarily begins with a medical consultation. So, you can talk directly with the surgeon and ask all your questions. At the appointment, the doctor evaluates your health status and determines the most appropriate type of operation.

Plastic surgery for foreign citizens

Without Belarusian citizenship, you can go to any plastic surgery clinic. Prices for surgeon services are available on the websites of individual centers.

The best plastic surgeons in Belarus

Plastic surgery doctors must be highly qualified and experienced in operating. This is a guarantee of a successful result. Many talented doctors of plastic surgery work in Belarus. The best plastic surgeons are:

  • Mechkovsky Sergey Yulianovich;
  • Kozhanov Nikolay Semenovich;
  • Avseenko Igor Vladimirovich;
  • Serebro Victor Pavlovich;
  • Stebunov Sergey Stepanovich.

Specialists make the appointments both in plastic surgery clinics and hospitals.

Medical centers, department and clinics of plastic surgery in Minsk

The choice of centers providing services of a plastic surgeon in Minsk is considerable. The best plastic surgery clinics are:

  • Clinical Center for Plastic Surgery and Medical Cosmetology;
  • Confidence;
  • Plastic surgery "IP Kurilovich N. N.";
  • Voka;
  • Sante;
  • Kravira;
  • Sedmoe nebo;
  • RSPC OMR N. N. Alexandrova - Department of Plastic Surgery;
  • Minsk Regional Clinical Hospital - Department of Plastic Surgery;
  • Antes Med;
  • Nordin;
  • Shinest.

If you are unhappy with your appearance, make an appointment with a plastic surgeon. A competent specialist will tell you whether it is worth doing the operation or you can do without it.
