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Medical centers with General direction
Medical Centers
Medical center "Ecomedservice"
Address Minsk, Tolstoy str., 4
  • 160
Clinical maternity hospital of Minsk region
Address Minsk, 16 F. Skaryna street
  • +375 17 267-60-67
Medical center "Confidence"
Address Minsk, Pritytskogo str., 39
  • +375 17 363-70-73
Medical center «LUBIMY DOCTOR»
Address Minsk, Matusevich str, 70
  • + 375 (17) 325-55-33
Medical center «Sedmoe nebo»
Address Minsk, Filimonov str., 53
  • +375 17 269-00-20
Minsk Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center
Address Minsk, 10 Semashko street
Medical center «Vnuki Hippocrata»
Address Minsk, City Val str., 8
  • +375 (17) 348-03-03
Medical center "MedClinic"
Address Minsk, Pritytskogo str., 79
  • +375 17 392-83-03
Medical center «ARS Valeo»
Address Minsk, Herzen str., 8
  • +375 17 328-38-83
Medical center "Era"
Address Minsk, Pionerskaya str., 32
  • +375 17 209-03-44
Medical center "Eleos"
Address Minsk, F. skariny str., 11
  • +375 17 269-25-33
Multidisciplinary medical center «Med-Praktika»
Address Minsk, Bogdanovich str., 27
  • +375 29 101 83 83
Medical Center "Shinest"
Address Minsk, Revolutionary str., 26a
  • +375 29 292-11-25
Medical center «RSPC OMR named. N. N. Alexandrova»
Address Minsk district, ag Lesnoy
  • +375 17 265-23-01
1st Central district clinical polyclinic of the Central district of Minsk
Address Minsk, Sukhaya str., 6
  • +375 17 200-36-75
Wellness complex «CATFW»
Address Minsk, p. Zhdanovichi, Parkovaya str., 26
  • +375 17 511-58-71
Medical center "Avicenna"
Address Minsk, Gromova str., 14
  • +375 17 399-63-99
Medical services «Art-Med-Company»
Address Minsk, Sennitskaya str., 51
  • +375 17 331-95-87
Medical center «LODE»
Address Minsk, Independence Ave., 58
  • 111
Medical center "Horizont"
Address Minsk, Kiseleva str., 12
  • +375 17 288-11-41
MTZ medical center
Address Minsk, Stakhanovskaya str., 10A
  • +375 17 266-99-38
Medical center "Kravira"
Address Minsk, Pobediteley Ave., 45
  • +375 17 370-28-61
Medical center "Santana"
Address Minsk, Nekrasova str., 22/2
  • +375 17 355-12-22
Medical center "SynLab"
Address Minsk, Akademicheskaya str., 26
  • +375 17 284-16-53
Medical center "Grandmedica"
Address Minsk, M. Bogdanovich str., 78
  • +375 29 169-75-17
Medical center «SANTE»
Address Minsk, Trostenetskaya str., 3
  • +375 17 342-82-82
Medical center "Okomedson"
Address Minsk, Pritytskogo str., 91
  • +375 17 224-16-74
Medical center "Terra Medica"
Address Minsk, Volgogradskaya str., 3-1H
  • +375 17 351-26-42
Medical center "Novy Lekar"
Address Minsk, Engels str., 34A / 2
  • +375 17 328-35-45
Medical center "GrantiMed"
Address Minsk, 3rd street Shchors, 9
  • +375 17 336-60-33
Medical center "Eksana"
Address Minsk, Mogilev str., 5/1
  • 7802
Minsk regional clinical hospital
Address Minsk district, agro-town Lesnoy, 1
  • +375 17 265-21-47
Medical center «IdealMED»
Address Minsk, K. Tsetkin str., 16
  • +375 29 107-15-84
Address Minsk, Independence Ave., 85
  • +375 17 237-30-46
Medical center "Dobryi Doctor"
Address Minsk, Pobediteley Ave., 125
  • +375 29 635-03-81
Medical center «Bullfinch»
Address Minsk, Matusevich str., 69
  • +375 33 358-99-09
Medical center "Viamed"
Address Minsk, Burdeynogo str., 6
  • +375 17 254-69-37
State Institution "Republican Clinical Medical Center" Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Belarus
Address Minsk district, AG. Zhdanovichi, 81/5
  • +375 17 543-44-44
Family health center «Bina»
Address Vitebsk, Frunze ave., 83g
  • +375 212 61 88 77
The advisory centre «Professorial treatment-and-consulting center»
Address Minsk, Makaenka str., 17
  • +375 17 265-06-25
Minsk scientific and practical center of surgery, transplantation and hematology
Address Minsk, Semashko str.8
  • +375 17 277-10-91
Medical center "Nordin"
Address Minsk, Surganova str., 47B
  • 159
Medical center «Aqua-Minsk Clinic»
Address Minsk, Rokossovsky Ave., 44/2
  • +375 17 330-13-01
Medical center "Biomedica"
Address Minsk, Chervyakova str., 64
  • +375 17 350-77-44
Medical center «Medicea»
Address Minsk, F. skariny str., 12, 202
  • +375 17 664-67-77

Official Medical Centers

In order to examine their body, many people prefer to visit medical centers with a general focus. In such institutions, you can consult with a doctor, undergo an instrumental examination and, if it is necessary, immediately visit a doctor of another specialization. There are many paid multidisciplinary medical centers in Minsk. In order to get to one of the medical centers in Minsk, you need to make an appointment by phone or online.

The best doctors of Minsk and the Republic of Belarus

In each hospital, clinic and medical center, there are doctors who take the example of colleagues (they can be found on the official websites of the clinics). These are experienced specialists who do not spare time on the patient, and deal with each clinical case individually. The best doctors taking in medical centers are:

  • Zhukova E. M. - obstetrician-gynecologist;
  • Dotsenko E. A. - allergist-immunologist;
  • Matveenko I. N. - dermatologist;
  • Kachanko E. F. - infectious disease specialist;
  • Gnilyakevich E.V. - therapist;
  • Noon I. V. - neurologist;
  • Perelygin Y. L. - surgeon;
  • Babaeva S. A. - pediatrician.

This is just a small list of competent specialists; many more highly qualified doctors work in Belarus.

Services in medical centers

Multidisciplinary medical centers provide full therapeutic support. Services at medical centers in Minsk depend on the clinical picture of the disease. Medical service centers offer a wide range of surgical and conservative treatments.


Doctors examine:

  • visual fields;
  • eye tissue at a microscopic level;
  • refractive abilities of eyeballs;
  • intraocular pressure;
  • functional state of the retina.

Ophthalmologists also perform ultrasound examinations of the eyes.


This medical field provides a wide range of dental services for the treatment of teeth of varying severity: combating caries, filling channels, installing veneers. In medical centers, high-tech methods of prevention, detection and treatment of dental defects, prosthetics are used.


In gynecological clinics you can be provided with the following services:

  • examination on a gynecological chair;
  • examination of the mammary glands;
  • taking smears, scrapings;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • colposcopy;
  • removal of polyps from the cervix;
  • elimination of erosion.

Actively developed and aesthetic gynecology, which is able to rejuvenate the intimate area.


Medical centers provide vaccination services for the population. Before you get the vaccine you need to visit a therapist and get official permission for manipulation from him.


At the first visit to a gastroenterologist, the doctor will consult you, but for the correct diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract, additional examinations may be necessary:

  • ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • gastroscopy;
  • colonoscopy;
  • other analyzes.

A full examination of the colon (colonoscopy) is performed both under general anesthesia and without it.


Dermatologists diagnose pathologies of the skin, nail platinum, hair growth disorders, as well as study and treat neoplasms on the skin.


Cardiology medical centers provide a number of services:

  • consult patients;
  • measure arterial parameters;
  • do ECG, ultrasound of the heart, daily monitoring.

Cardiologists also issue an advisory opinion and create an individual therapy plan for each patient.


At a consultation with an ENT doctor, patients examine the auricles, nasal passages and throat. For this, special medical manipulations are carried out. Surgical treatment of ENT organs is also provided.


This medical field provides counselling, vaccination of small patients, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of all organs.


Psychotherapeutic care involves the treatment of patients through mental exposure. Doctors of this specialization are required in cases of depression, phobias, panic attacks, sleep disorders and various kinds of addictions.


Radical therapy of diseases involves surgical intervention, without which the patient will not be able to function normally. Modern surgery carries out operations using a laser and other means, which allows you to recover faster and return to your usual way of life.


Medical centers offer the following services:

  • consultation with an allergist;
  • taking a smear from the nose on eosinophils;
  • blood allergy testing;
  • skin tests for allergies.

Doctors also carry out specific immunization.


In order to treat sexually transmitted infections, you need to accurately identify the pathogen. To do this, resort to taking materials for complex studies on pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic flora (smears, crops, scrapings).


Immunologists provide assistance with:

  • high susceptibility to viral diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic ENT pathologies;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • constant weakness, a feeling of malaise.

You can also consult with a specialist for infertility of unknown etiology.


This branch of medicine deals with the detection and treatment of diseases of the nervous system. Neurologists conduct diagnostics on the basis of medical history, examination and laboratory tests: electroencephalography, ultrasound of arteries, nerves, veins, electroneuromyography.


Treatment of malignant tumours begins with an oncologist consultation. Doctors use modern methods for diagnosing signs of cancer of any localization. In medical centers, tumours are removed and a puncture is performed with cytological examination.

Plastic surgery

An extensive section of medicine, offering to correct any part of the body. You will be offered services in injection cosmetology, the use of your own plasma to change problem areas, remove excess adipose tissue, tighten the skin, and enlarge the mammary glands.


At the first consultation, the doctor collects an anamnesis and finds out the patient's complaints, if it is necessary, additional examinations are carried out: anoscopy, rectoscopy. Proctologists are often required for the treatment of anal fissures and hemorrhoids.


The medical industry dealing with respiratory dysfunctions. Pulmonologists provide the following services:

  • assessment of the functions of external respiration;
  • monitoring of external respiration indicators;
  • conducting functional tests.

Doctors carry out consultations in cases of asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy.


Urological services include ultrasound, cystoscopy, x-ray examination, sampling tests. If it is necessary, urologists carry out surgical interventions.


Physiotherapy methods have inexhaustible possibilities in the treatment of patients with various diseases. Among the most popular methods of treatment, electrophoresis, ultrasound, magnetolaser therapy, inhalation, muscle stimulation are distinguished.


Specialists provide services to eliminate varicose veins: carry out sclerotherapy, use a laser, and perform miniflebectomy. Phlebologists also struggle with other defects on the legs: nets, asterisks.


In order to identify thyroid pathologies, ultrasound diagnostics are performed, as well as blood is examined for the content of certain hormones.


Regular medical examinations allow you to detect any dysfunction and take measures to treat it. The main diagnostic methods include ultrasound of various organs, computed tomography.


New medical centers provide a wide range of cosmetic services. In order to improve your appearance, you can turn to hardware cosmetology, laser exposure, aesthetic surgery.


This medical field is devoted to the study of the functions of the blood forming organs, the search for the causes of the progression of blood pathologies and the finding of treatment methods. At the reception, hematologists study the patient’s history, examine the skin, probe the lymph nodes. If it is necessary, the doctor directs the patient for additional examinations: ultrasound of the lymph nodes, puncture of the cat’s brain, X-ray examination of the blood, analysis of blood coagulation.


Transplantation is an important area of medicine that deals with the search and transplantation of healthy organs to a person who needs such treatment.

Children's Medical Center

Private clinics for children provide a complete list of services for young patients. Experienced pediatricians, ENT doctors, ophthalmologists, and cardiologists work in children's medical centers in Minsk. You also have the opportunity to visit family health centers where you and your child are examined.

Paid medical centers in Minsk

In order to get qualified help, you can contact the following medical centers in Minsk:

  • medical center "Harmony";
  • medical center "Vita";
  • Regional Medical Center - Republican Scientific Practical Center;
  • medical center "LODE" in Minsk, the prices for services and telephones of the clinic you can find on the website of the medical center "LODE";
  • medical center "Aqua" in Minsk;
  • “Nordin” Medical Center in Minsk;
  • medical center "Kravira" in Minsk;
  • medical center "Eva" in Minsk;
  • medical center "Lekar" in Minsk;
  • medical center "Sante" in Minsk;
  • medical center "Paracels" in Minsk;
  • medical Center "Horizont" in Minsk;
  • medical center "Novy Lekar" in Minsk;
  • medical center "Avicenna" in Minsk;
  • “Mikosha” Medical Center in Minsk;
  • “Sedmoe nebo” Medical Center in Minsk;
  • medical center "Ecomedservice" in Minsk;
  • “Confidence” Medical Center in Minsk;
  • “Eksana” Medical Center in Minsk, prices for medical center services can be found on the website;
  • medical center "Alfamed" in Minsk;
  • medical center "Santana" in Minsk;
  • medical center "Korona" in Minsk;
  • medical center "Verba" in Minsk;
  • medical Center "Lubimy Doctor" in Minsk.

You can get help at the Republican Center for Medical Rehabilitation and Balneotherapy. The address of the medical center in Minsk is Makayonka 17. The medical center at Makayonka in Minsk provides paid services. Prices for services can be found on the official website of the clinic. You can also consult with a doctor at the Republican Clinical Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Belarus. You can choose a clinic by reading reviews of medical centers in Minsk.
