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Almost 100 employees of science, education, health and culture will receive grants from the President in 2020
Head of state Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree "on providing grants from the President of the Republic of Belarus for 2020". Grants are assigned to 98 employees of organizations of science, education, health, culture.
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A club-cafe will open in Minsk — where women who have suffered from violence will work
In Minsk, a cafe-club NORM will appear — women who have suffered from domestic violence will be able to find work there. The authors of the project promise that the institution will be open to all.
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Belarus and Russia will create common DNA data Bank
The joint program of Russia and Belarus "DNA identification" can be implemented in the next two years.
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Instead of a hotel in the area of Yakub Kolas square a multifunctional center will be built
On the site of the former complex of the printing plant on Kolas square there will be a multifunctional center instead of a five star hotel
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The European Union will allocate almost 750 thousand euros for the development of the region of environmental entrepreneurship " Yaselda river valley"
The project "Landscape-oriented development of rural areas of the Yaselda river valley with the participation of the local population" is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Berezovsky district Executive Committee in partnership with the International Fund for rural development, the local environmental Fund "Reserves of the Brest region" and the Republican biological reserve "Sporovsky".
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“Great Stone” has already collected more than 520 million dollars of investment
Investments in the Chinese-Belarusian industrial Park "Great Stone" during the implementation of the project exceeded 520 million dollars
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Elves, elks and unicorns ran New Year’s Eve race to meet 2020
On the New Year’s Eve, a traditional Carnival Run took place at the park named after the 900th anniversary of the city of Minsk.
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Laser-pyrotechnic fireworks show on new year's eve will paint the sky of Minsk at 01:30
The light laser-pyrotechnic show on new year's eve in Minsk can be watched at 01:30. The site for fireworks is traditionally defined at the sports Palace.
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In Vitebsk in 2020 13 trolleybuses on an autonomous run will be launched
In Vitebsk in the new year, 13 trolleybuses will run on city routes on an autonomous run.
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Vietnam extended "visa-free" for Belarusians
Vietnam has extended the visa-free entry regime for Belarusians until December 31, 2022. Belarusians can enter Vietnam and stay there for 15 days using their passport, which is valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry, and an entry/exit ticket.
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