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Gyms Gyms

Gyms in Minsk

For many Belarusians, physical exercise is not only a way to maintain good physical shape and health, but also a way to relax after a hard day's work, as well as a way to communicate and share experience.

Gyms at schools

Gym gymnastics classes

Pupils from the 1st to 11th grades carry out physical education in schools in Belarus. In the lessons, children are taught a love of sport and given basic skills in football, basketball and volleyball. However, high school students do not limit themselves to physical education classes; they also prefer to go to the gymnasiums. The young generation of Belarusians admit that going to the gym is to develop themselves as people.

Gyms for men

Most men, for one reason or another, want to look athletic and fit. In order to keep your body in shape, there is no better solution than men's gyms. A good gym offers the possibility of training for all muscle groups, the correct load regulation, as well as the selection of the simulator according to your individual preferences and needs. Gyms equipped with standard modern simulators are primarily aimed at improving and promoting the health of every man.

Gyms for girls

Girls pay more attention to their shapes. Especially for them came up with such directions as pilates, TRX, yoga, stretching, total body and much more. There is also a fitness direction for pregnant women who want to stay in shape and feel good during their position.

Fitness clubs

Fitness Club - a place that combines a gym, a gym, a swimming pool, a cardio zone, aerobics halls, a saicle studio, a pilates studio on large equipment, martial arts studio, yoga studio, group and dance programs, as well as water aerobics.

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Gym sizes

Gym height

The optimal height for the gym can be calculated based on the total size of the space, its value should be from 4.8-6 m.

Gym width

The area of a rectangular gym is calculated based on specific values of length and width of the gym. The value of length of the big gym is 42 m, average - 36 m, small - 30 m, accordingly, the value of width of the big gym is 24 m, average and small - 18 m.

Gym length

The length of the big gym is 42 m, the middle gym is 36 m, and the small gym is 30 m. The width of the big gym is 24 m, the middle gym and the small gym is 18 m, respectively.

Gym area

The area of an ordinary gym is calculated as follows: 5-6 m² for one person, 2 m² for an aerobic gym for each occupant. Toilet rooms, showers, reception desks and a room for staff are taken into account. Usually the minimum size of a sports club is between 140 and 250 m², everything depends on the number of potential visitors and the number of simulators. Approximately 200 m² is considered to be the optimal size - the most popular fitness equipment can be placed on such an area.

Gym Temperature

Optimal air-thermal mode: humidity 30-50%, air movement 0,06-0,25 m/s, temperature 15-17 °С. Creating an optimal microclimate due to properly selected dimensions of the gym is a very important task. Heating and ventilation systems are selected, due to which it is possible to observe the basic hygienic requirements.

Safety in the sports hall

Gym Safety Rules

In order to protect yourself and not to hurt others, as well as not to inconvenience them during training, the following points must be taken into account:

  • to keep your own body clean;
  • choose the right wardrobe for your workout;
  • find comfortable shoes that won't inconvenience you or obstruct your movements;
  • behave correctly and do not distract others from your activities;
  • warm up before you start your workout.

Gyms: Requirements

Gym inventory, furnishing and equipment

The list of sports equipment in gyms:

  • cycling simulators;
  • treadmills;
  • steppers;
  • ellipsoids;
  • simulators for the press;
  • simulators for chest muscles;
  • simulators for triceps and biceps;
  • back, shoulder and trapezoidal muscle simulators.


A treadmill simulates running and walking and provides uniform load for all muscle groups, making it one of the most effective weight loss machines.

Exercise machines

Powerlifting simulators are used to stabilize muscles, give muscles the correct, athletic shape.

Sports activities in the gym

Gym program

If you do not have the appropriate education, it is better to contact your instructor to draw up a training program. He will select the right training and nutrition programme based on your body and your goals.

Training at the Gym

People of different sex, age and build visit the gym. Each of them has their own goals and objectives. Some want volumetric musculature, while others want to lose extra weight. That's why the training program should be the same. Before you start it is better to consult with a specialist so as not to harm your health.

Exercises in the gym

Exercises in the gym should be selected solely based on your physique, chronic diseases and other characteristics. It is not desirable to exercise on your own without the supervision of a coach, unless you are a professional athlete.

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Gyms and fitness centers in Minsk on the map

The best gyms in Minsk and their addresses can be found on this page.

A gym in Minsk is not necessarily a treadmill, dumbbell or barbell. Here you can practice yoga, pilates, stretching, Zumba, aerobics, stepping and ballet.