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Food industry

Food Industry in Belarus

Our life is closely connected with the food industry. Every day we go to the store, buy up all the products on the shelves, but have you thought about the composition and the manufacturer? After all we are what we eat. It is hardly necessary to eat low-quality products, and even more so to overpay for them. Today we will talk about the development of the food industry in Belarus and about reliable manufacturers.

Food Industry in Belarus

So what are manufacturers doing in Belarus? And what domestic products have you not tried?

Dairy industry

Import of Belarusian milk to the nearest countries, for example, Russia is 80%. And the main products are cheese and dairy products. At the moment, Belarusian dairy products are among the highest quality and budget in the world.

Meat products

Today in Belarus meat products are one of the largest segments in the structure of the food market. And this is not surprising, because in the country more than 1200 types of meat are produced.

Confectionery industry

Belarusian sweets, marshmallows and cookies have long established as a quality product far beyond the borders of our country. For the sweet tooth from other countries, Belarus began to open the doors of the confectioneries to look at the production technology and find out the secret of the recipes.

Beer and non-alcoholic industry

The beer segment in Belarus is represented by several large enterprises, where the lines are systematically updated, master new types of packaging, and technologies are improved for better results.

The largest food industry brands

And so, we met with the largest industries in Belarus, but what to choose? Which brands have already become the hallmark of the country? Now we will tell you all.

Babushkina Krynka

A company that uses in production only natural, environmentally friendly raw materials, the assortment of which includes more than 250 items of dairy products. Today, Babushkina Krynka is the most expensive brand of the dairy industry and the leader in terms of the volume of processed raw materials. A line of dairy products of the company is in demand not only within the Republic, but also abroad.

Santa Bremor

Santa Bremor is one of the most recognizable companies in Belarus and Russia. More than 20 years of work on the market allowed the company to accumulate invaluable experience and become an expert in the production of fish and seafood, ice cream, semi-finished products. Distribution companies successfully operate in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova. Santa Bremor products are sold in 37 countries. Every day, the company produces 1,000,000 packs of finished products, which is over 100,000 tons of products per year.

Orsha meat factory

Orsha meat factory is one of the largest enterprises in the republic, offering consumers meat and offal, sausages, semi-finished products, canned food, canned food for baby food, fish products, edible fats and much more. The entire production process from meat deboning to sterilization is carried out in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. The most important factors of the modern plant development program are efficiency and speed, the ability to respond promptly to the demands of both the domestic and world markets, to produce what is in demand and to learn to trade in a new way. The enterprise also has its own branded trade: 6 stores located in Orsha, Barani and Bolbasovo, which are currently part of the ORIS distribution network.


The most delicious confectionery company in Belarus, working to maximize customer satisfaction. At present, the factory has three main workshops: a candy workshop, a chocolate workshop, and a candy-chocolate workshop. From the moment of its foundation to the present day, only natural raw materials have been used in the production of confectionery products at the enterprise and the entire cocoa-bean processing cycle has been carried out, which ensures the highest quality of products. Kommunarka is a world famous brand that maintains its status at international fairs and events, such as “All candy” in Chicago, “ISM” in Cologne, “World Food” in Moscow, “Prodexpo” in Minsk, etc.


Confectionery factory "Spartak" is the largest manufacturer of confectionery in Belarus, producing about 350 items of confectionery, including products of therapeutic and prophylactic action. The main types of products manufactured by the factory are: caramel, sweets, chocolate and chocolate products, cookies, waffle products, cakes and pastries. There are 4 main workshops at the factory today: biscuit, caramel, waffle, candy-chocolate, where a wide range of products are used to produce the above types of products.


One of the most significant enterprises of the republic in the production of flour confectionery products (among the five largest manufacturers of confectionery products of the Republic of Belarus), as well as a leader in the production of breakfast cereals. The company does not forget to keep the brand, therefore, from year to year it is awarded to the winners in the following competitions: "Product of the Year", "Choice of the Year", "Best Products of the Republic of Belarus", "Best Products of the Republic of Belarus on the Russian Federation Market", "Product of Olympic Quality" , "Our brand."

Krasnyi pischevik

For many years, the products of the Bobruisk confectionery factory delight both adults and the smallest customers. Bobruisk marshmallows, marmalade, pastille like dozens of years ago, all also snapped up among the sweet tooth - in honor of sophisticated gourmets. All products are manufactured using classical technologies using natural raw materials. The company produces: marshmallows, halva, dragees, marmalade, iris, sweets with jelly and whipped bodies.


The Belarusian State Concern of the Food Industry is the main food producer in the country. The main industries of the concern are sugar, confectionery, oil and fat, alcohol, brewing, canning, tobacco, food concentrate. The development of these sectors is currently dynamic and can provide not only the needs of the domestic market of the Republic of Belarus for basic food products, but also increase the volume of export supplies.

Berezovsky meat-packing factory

The Berezovsky meat-packing factory is the leader in the meat-processing industry of the Republic of Belarus. The company produces and processes meat products, produces prepared animal feeds, organizes catering, produces bakery products and light metal packaging. The plant takes an active part in exhibitions, food fairs in the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, and the Republic of Poland. It was awarded numerous diplomas, diplomas and medals for product quality.

Savushkin Product

Savushkin Product is one of the most recognizable companies in Belarus, the largest company producing high-quality dairy and juice products exclusively from natural cow's milk. Products The Savushkin product is made without the use of genetically modified sources, from natural food raw materials obtained from animals raised without the use of antibiotics, feed stimulants, hormonal preparations, and the assortment has about 200 items.


ABC is one of the largest food producers in Belarus. The company occupies 68% of the Belarusian market for horseradish and mustard, 30% for ketchup and mayonnaise, 6% for juices and nectars. And enterprises of the ABC Group of Companies annually take part in major international forums.

Gorodeisk sugar factory

The main products manufactured by the Gorodezhsky Combine are sugar, for the production of which sugar beets and raw cane sugar are the raw materials.

Sugar production technologies used at the plant ensure the production of products that meet the requirements of current GOSTs and technical specifications. The enterprise is provided with normative, technical and technological documentation for manufactured products and raw materials and auxiliary materials used in the production.


The Krynitsa company is the largest brewing industry enterprise in Belarus, which produces beer, kvas, soft drinks and food concentrates. The company provides filling services in an aluminum can for all brewing companies in the country, brews 19 of its own brands for retail chains in Belarus and abroad. The company also produces dry food concentrates: dry granulated beverage "Zevita", instant cocoa, jelly.

Lidskoe beer

Liskoea beer is a brewing company in the city of Lida. In 1920, the first mention appeared that the Lida brewery produced a non-alcoholic malt drink and bread kvass. And already today this company, producing 20 types of beer, is a reliable importer to the countries of the near abroad, awarded a gold medal in the British International Beer Challenge 2017 competition.

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